About April
Prior to starting her writing career, April Davis spent nearly 20+ rewarding years working behind the scenes in the world of television and radio production. But when she turned 38, the writing bug bit her so hard that she went back to college at night for 5 years to obtain her bachelors degree in fiction writing at Columbia College in Chicago.
After some experimentation, she has given up on both dating as a cougar AND any form of on-line dating, but knows Mr. Right exists so she will continue to wait patiently. She likes baking and has mastered banana chocolate chip bread, a mean peach cobbler and blends the best chocolate malts this side of the Mississippi.
Now residing just outside of Dallas, Texas, April is the proud mother of a bright and handsome 20 year-old son. She loves 70’s and 80’s pop and R&B music and Neo-Soul, watching crime shows on the Investigation Discovery network and reading mysteries.
If you are lucky to make it into her inner circle, she'll be your best friend for life.