My 51st birthday is 204 days away and I still realize that I have squandered my time thus far by dealing with some people and certain situations that have not benefited me in any shape, way or form.
I wrote this list a couple of years aho and have been dragging my feet for a myriad of reasons too long to list. But a recent change in my life has ignited my quest to tackle this list and have a plan for the next part of my life (whether my son come back home to live with me after college or not).
Now I have always had a short bucket list: write comedy skits, produce a short film, write another screen play, tour Europe via train. But with the advent of Pinterest and Google, I decided to expand my list a bit so I came up with the following revised list:
1. Travel Europe by train – it has always been on my heart and mind to start in London and travel to Amsterdam, Paris and Venice. I also want to go back to Santorini, Greece and watch the incredible sunset.
2. Write comedy skits – maybe take classes at Second City when I go back to Chicago. (And Jay Pharoah, I have a great skit for you. Call me!)
3. Learn a new vocabulary word every day. I just came up with this one after sitting in a meeting with a clearly inexperienced young lady who was super limited in her vocabulary. It was painful to listen to her because I know she doesn’t have a clue.
4. Make a short film based on a short story I wrote back in college – I was going to try to learn to animate it myself but I keep being told that I shouldn’t bother trying to learn animation myself. I should hire someone to do it for me. (Hi hater! I see you.)
5. Learn a new language – This will be important when I tackle item # 1. But which language do I learn? French? Italian? Hmmm. I’ll get back to you on this one.
6. Make my own wine – I’m not a big drinker but I would like to make my own wine – as long as it doesn’t involve the old art form of using my bare feet (or worse, someone else’s feet) to stomp the grapes.
7. Attend Mardi Gras – Just for the beads and the experience…not to flash anyone…I hope.
8. Ride a gondola in Venice with my lover/best friend. (I’m waiting…)
9. Take an Alaskan cruise – I’m not big on boats or being captive anywhere but Alaska is visually stunning and I would love to go there when the weather is not abnormally cold.
10. Go on an African safari – this idea came to be after watching a partial episode of a TV show called Zoo.
11. Take a cooking class or go to cooking school to learn to be a better baker.
12. Travel to Costa Rica, Fiji, Bora Bora and Rio De Janeiro.
13. Be an extra on a TV show or movie.
14. On one of these kick ass trips, fly first class -- ‘Nuf said.
15. Become a contestant on The Amazing Race. I just need to find a partner who can drive a stick and will eat gross things.
Life Lessons:
Dream big…you never know what could happen.
Trying and failing is better than not trying and wondering what if for the rest of your life.
Life…it’s not rocket science